Uus Tote-bag õlakott

Uus Tote-bag õlakott

Kevadise uudistootena tuleb mängu lihtne ja stiilne mustast nahast Tote-bag. Õlarihmad on minimalistliku joonega ja üldine õlakoti joon on kevadiselt karge. Kotti mahuvad rüpperaal ja kõik vajalikud igapäevased pisiasjad! Kevad on mõnus!
UUS ja mugav VÖÖKOTT!!!

NEW and comfortable BELT BAG!!!

At the beginning of November, a new KVD belt bag came on sale, which I immediately tried to use on my trip. Pleasantly able to hold many important little things, the belt bag was comfortable to wear over the shoulder, across the chest, or on the belt as a classic belt bag. Ideal for travel or situations where you want to...