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Karin Voit

(+372) 5016440

Company contacts:

Kavot Leather OÜ

REG. KOOD 16514184 

KMKR EE102503052

Frequently Asked Questions

How quickly will we respond to you?

The fastest way to get in touch is by calling mobile +372 5016440 or by sending your questions or requests using the contact form above, and then we will get in touch as soon as possible, but we try to do it within one working day.

Why choose Karin Voit Designs products?

We are passionate about real leather, provide quality craftsmanship and value customer satisfaction. We do our best so that customers are infected with satisfaction and get the handbag of their dreams for many years.

When will the website e-shop be updated with new products?

Karin Voit Designs website e-shop is constantly updated with new products.

Where can you currently look and shop Karin Voit Designs products?

The entire range of products for sale will be in the website's e-shop, in addition, we will announce on the website the events in which we will participate, and we will take all the finished products with us to each event.

How can I order special orders?

Yes, special orders can be placed according to the customer's wishes, and this is discussed in more detail on the E-Shop page and by scrolling down. For a special order, the corresponding request with pictures or measurements must be sent to e-mail: or send a letter using the contact form above. Then we will agree more precisely on all the details.
