
Weekender reisikott

Maikuus sai tehtud Weekender reisikott, mis mahutab kaasa ka kõige nõudlikuma härrasmehe vajaliku reisipagasi ja mille saab alati kaasa võtta lennukisse. Sobilik stiilsetele reisisellidele!

Tagasiside klientidelt

Kliendid annavad teada, et Weekender õlakotti saab lisaks reisikotile suurepäraselt kasutada ka spordikotina. Mugavalt mahuvad kõik spordivahendid kotti!!! Rõõmsaid treeninguid! Suvi pole enam kaugel 😉

Uus Tote-bag õlakott

Kevadise uudistootena tuleb mängu lihtne ja stiilne mustast nahast Tote-bag. Õlarihmad on minimalistliku joonega ja üldine õlakoti joon on kevadiselt karge. Kotti mahuvad rüpperaal ja kõik vajalikud igapäevased pisiasjad! Kevad on mõnus!
KVD käekotid suvepealinnas Pärnus

KVD handbags in the summer capital of Pärnu

In July, a cheerful photo shoot of KVD handbags took place in the summer capital of Pärnu. In excellent sunny and windy weather, we got pictures with a nice vibe, where the most well-known favorite places in Pärnu were chosen as the background...

EKA Avatud Akadeemia lõpetamine

Graduation of the EKA Open Academy

On June 7, 2023, the annual course on creating a collection of leather accessories was completed at the Estonian Academy of Arts as part of the Open Academy, where we gained both knowledge and practical skills in the manufacture of shoes and handbags. Our study group was good and hardworking, everyone who started also finished well. Good luck and strength to everyone!

Uneleja kingipoes nüüd müügil KVD käekotid

KVD handbags are now on sale in the Uneleja gift shop

Uneleja gift shop in Tabasalu center now has KVD mobile, crossbody and waist bags for sale. The Uneleja gift shop offers a diverse and interesting selection of gifts, and there are discounted prices until the end of May. Hurry up, dreamers of practical gifts!

Lõputööd Solarise keskuses

Theses at the Solaris Center

The EKA Open Academy thesis exhibition is open in May and June on Solaris design street. We had a good group - all the starters also finished, and they put a lot of effort into completing theses. All the works were created by the creator with his own story and came out very unique. I learned a lot in the work process! Many thanks to the lecturers!

50 kutset Ilumessile 12.-14.05.2023

50 invitations to the Beauty Fair 12.-14.05.2023

Be beautiful and come to Beauty World fair with an invitation, do the following: send your contacts on the website --} Contact&FAQ: Send a letter... in the text field. The first 50 senders will receive invitations by e-mail on May 11.

Unikaalsed disainerkotid

Unique designer bags

Our handbags are handcrafted from high-quality real leather, ensuring durability and practicality as well as a timeless and stylish design. All our products are unique and functional, suitable for everyday use. Our goal is to provide comfortable and durable bags that are made responsibly.
